2010年8月27日 星期五



Taiwanese singer-songwriter David Tao runs the whole show when making records. This outstanding all-rounder writes the music and lyrics, works on the arrangements, plays instruments, oversees recording and even handles remastering. A David Tao signature tune is “I Love You”, which has captivated audiences across mainland China and Hong Kong, as well as in Taiwan.

Ask David about his musical tastes and he’ll reel off a list that includes classical, jazz, country, rock, folk, R&B and spirituals – but it was the Beatles that got him started. He explained: “Beatles music inspired me to become a musician.”
More recently, he has been listening to John Mayer and The Killers for inspiration.
Although many fans believe David’s latest album, “69”, represents a departure from his style, he maintains it hails back to his musical roots. He said: “I think it’s a rock album. Some people may say, ‘no guts, no victory’, but that doesn’t trouble me.”
He added: “I don’t think I’m slipping backwards. If anything, it’s the other way round – I’m stepping forward! To be honest, my first album was just a trial. Some songs in later albums have actually reflected the rock style of the band I had while at high school!”
New albums from David always hit the headlines and generate feedback from the critics. He said: “I create music from the bottom of my heart. All my songs come from my experiences and feelings over the years – they’re not based on any emerging trend.”
A wealth of experience on stage and in the studio means David has tried a range of different microphones in his time. He commented: “I love KSM microphone heads, because they seem to have been customized to suit my voice. In fact, they give my voice a soft presence that feels just right. Another point is that KSM microphones reproduce every note in a wholesome and complete way that allows me to express songs skillfully. As far as I’m concerned, the KSM microphone is the best studio microphone tailor-made for the stage!”
陶喆熱愛音樂,古典樂、爵士樂、鄉村音樂、遙滾樂、民謠、R&B和黑人靈歌等,都是他喜歡的音樂。說陶喆是披頭四的樂迷絕對沒有錯,陶表示:「披頭四的音樂啟發我成為音樂人,我所創作的音樂,都是60至70年代的古典遙滾樂。」陶喜歡原創和發自內心的音樂,因這些音樂一定能抓住聽眾的心。最近,陶便迷上了John Mayer和The Killers的音樂,這些原創音樂為他帶來更多音樂靈感。
擁有豐富舞台和現場表現經驗,陶喆曾在不同場合上使用不同的麥克風,然而,他還是選擇Shure話筒。「我喜歡KSM 的話筒頭,它像是專為我而設一樣,能柔和地演繹我的聲線,給予我的聲線恰到好處的質感。此外,KSM話筒能完完全全表達我每一個音節,讓我演繹歌曲時更能得心應手。KSM話筒確實是為舞台而設的高級錄音室話筒。」

Source: http://register.shure.com.hk/artists/Artists/Artist_Content_David_Tao/

